According to many of the statements of contacts, ex-military, ex-CIA, NSA, FBI and other organizations, there are approximately 57 races alien infiltrators be in our world, of which the most important because of the role play with regarding the current situation in the world are:
Draconian (Ciakar, Alpha Draconis)
This race of reptilian beings are, are of royal lineage and are the ones who are at the top of the hierarchy.
According to different sources, the Draconian were "lying" in the constellation Alpha Draconis million years ago, from a higher universe but apparently were driven by the large negative charge carried with them as part of his nature is to be hostile to other races in addition to implementing systems of control.
Its origin is attributed to the physical plane to the species of dinosaurs.
Its appearance varies in pigmentation of the "skin" but the best known is the tone verdozo scaly lizard or snake type, is also known that there are other beings Draconian pigmented gray, blue and rojisos.
Is said to measure between 4.5mts high (the lowest) to 6 meters. high (the highest).
They say they can take any physical form they Plasco, including take forms very similar to humans and breeds known as "Nordic" into which the aspects of the Pleiadian races and Syrians and others.
This through psycho-astral skills and projected holographically into the physical plane what they want.
Usually Ciakars or Draconian Draconis Alpha Royals beings "winged" and with long tails, even in some cases are described with such long horns and some peaks, which in the writings of the Bible and other "myths" are old known as Demons.
Curiously, the Dragons Dragons of old Europe meet these characteristics and were also attributed supernatural powers that people regularly attack and devour people.
Eastern Dragon and the Dragon or Feathered Serpent of Mesoamerica is merely a representation of a Draconian but belonging to the land.
They are also well known for his great ability to develop genetic engineering and military, were the first to create instelesterales ships and so it has managed to conquer many systems in our Galaxy and elsewhere.
They attributed the conquest of the civilizations of Orion, Zeta Reticulli 2, Aldebaran, Sirius C, Sun and Alpha Centauri.
It is said that their attitude towards humans is purely repulsive and hostile, because the old wars located in the Lyra system where more than 50 million human beings (Ancestors) were annihilated by the Draconian.
We also know that there is a faction of Draconian inhabiting the planet Earth in underground cities.
It is also believed that relate to the Dogon of Africa or the so-called "Chitauri" by shamans Africa as Credo Mutwa.
* Note the term "Chitauri" in relation to the term "Ciakar."
Now we also know that there are draconian "land" and who are living under the earth.
Lizards (Orion Group and Alpha Draconis).
The Orion group is better known by the research and extraterrestrial contacts.
They are a sub-race of the Draconian or Ciakar and have the same characteristics as their predecessors.
Bipedal beings 3.5mts and measuring between 5 m in natural fitness, but can also take any physical form they like.
Like their predecessors are a warrior race with a regressive attitude towards other races.
They are credited with handling 21 other current systems in the galaxy.
Its hierarchy is divided into a social system such as that experienced in the dark ages of Europe.
The rulers, military leaders and priests occupy the upper class, are characterized by winged creatures and possess a long tail, plus provide a "third eye" red in the light which they use to project their power.
The Warriors, Driver, diplomats and "Sentinel" occupy the middle class, some of them are winged but more commonly have a tail, the queue size also limits their hierarchy.
Reptiles are a faction of those who took government jobs, banking and social standards to help the vast machinery of control system in the world.
Workers and the rest are reptiles with short tails or in many cases without a tail, but also have physical skills and psychological well IMTS astral an ordinary human.
They are most commonly seen on Earth.
Currently, they along with the Anunnaki maintain control of the Earth by positioning in top ranks of the government sector, health, economic, energy, media and communication, and industrial and technological development.
Gray (Orion Group and Zeta Reticulli 2) :
Draconian (Ciakar, Alpha Draconis)
This race of reptilian beings are, are of royal lineage and are the ones who are at the top of the hierarchy.
According to different sources, the Draconian were "lying" in the constellation Alpha Draconis million years ago, from a higher universe but apparently were driven by the large negative charge carried with them as part of his nature is to be hostile to other races in addition to implementing systems of control.
Its origin is attributed to the physical plane to the species of dinosaurs.
Its appearance varies in pigmentation of the "skin" but the best known is the tone verdozo scaly lizard or snake type, is also known that there are other beings Draconian pigmented gray, blue and rojisos.
Is said to measure between 4.5mts high (the lowest) to 6 meters. high (the highest).
They say they can take any physical form they Plasco, including take forms very similar to humans and breeds known as "Nordic" into which the aspects of the Pleiadian races and Syrians and others.
This through psycho-astral skills and projected holographically into the physical plane what they want.

Curiously, the Dragons Dragons of old Europe meet these characteristics and were also attributed supernatural powers that people regularly attack and devour people.
Eastern Dragon and the Dragon or Feathered Serpent of Mesoamerica is merely a representation of a Draconian but belonging to the land.
They are also well known for his great ability to develop genetic engineering and military, were the first to create instelesterales ships and so it has managed to conquer many systems in our Galaxy and elsewhere.
They attributed the conquest of the civilizations of Orion, Zeta Reticulli 2, Aldebaran, Sirius C, Sun and Alpha Centauri.
It is said that their attitude towards humans is purely repulsive and hostile, because the old wars located in the Lyra system where more than 50 million human beings (Ancestors) were annihilated by the Draconian.
We also know that there is a faction of Draconian inhabiting the planet Earth in underground cities.
It is also believed that relate to the Dogon of Africa or the so-called "Chitauri" by shamans Africa as Credo Mutwa.
* Note the term "Chitauri" in relation to the term "Ciakar."
Now we also know that there are draconian "land" and who are living under the earth.
Lizards (Orion Group and Alpha Draconis).
The Orion group is better known by the research and extraterrestrial contacts.
They are a sub-race of the Draconian or Ciakar and have the same characteristics as their predecessors.
Bipedal beings 3.5mts and measuring between 5 m in natural fitness, but can also take any physical form they like.
Like their predecessors are a warrior race with a regressive attitude towards other races.
They are credited with handling 21 other current systems in the galaxy.
Its hierarchy is divided into a social system such as that experienced in the dark ages of Europe.
The rulers, military leaders and priests occupy the upper class, are characterized by winged creatures and possess a long tail, plus provide a "third eye" red in the light which they use to project their power.
The Warriors, Driver, diplomats and "Sentinel" occupy the middle class, some of them are winged but more commonly have a tail, the queue size also limits their hierarchy.
Reptiles are a faction of those who took government jobs, banking and social standards to help the vast machinery of control system in the world.
Workers and the rest are reptiles with short tails or in many cases without a tail, but also have physical skills and psychological well IMTS astral an ordinary human.
They are most commonly seen on Earth.
Currently, they along with the Anunnaki maintain control of the Earth by positioning in top ranks of the government sector, health, economic, energy, media and communication, and industrial and technological development.
Gray (Orion Group and Zeta Reticulli 2) :
Greys are perhaps the most famous race in the field of UFO research.
It is said that originally the Grays were a human-like species that was attacked and tithe by Reptilian Orion Group and Alpha Draconis, due to genetic manipulation of race 2000 and now comprises approximately royal beings, all others are clones.
The physical characteristics of the Greys vary almost without difenreciarse each other.
The general features among them are a grayish pigmentation, although in some cases have been reported beings with reddish or brown and in another a verdoza or yellowish hue.
Their heads are elongated in an "egg" with "eyes" big black, in many cases have reported the absence of nose and mouth, in others there is the presence of the nose and mouth too small.
The origin of these beings reside principalment in 3 systems:
Orion (Bellatrix and Rigel).
Grey and average height between 1.40mts 1.60mts, we also speak of Grays from the Orion Group to a height of around 2m, with arms and longer legs in proportion to your body.
The Greys of Bellatrix are stature lower, around the 1.15mts and always accompany high gray.
These Greys are of a hostile and belong to the Orion group, are major genetic engineers and the military.
It says there is a faction of Grey Mintaka that are somewhat "benevolent" and are seeking their release.
For the Orion Greys are attributed the "agreements" between the Black Government and in some cases of abduction and have a hierarchy over the Grays from Zeta Reticulli 2.
Zeta Reticulli 2 : This is the original star system of the Grey, a scouting party of gray in a raid was intercepted by the Orion group and thus began his manipulation and diesmamiento of their civilization.
They are considered as beings with highly developed psychic abilities, are responsible for most of the abductions and mutilations of animals on earth.
The Reticulans 2 are the "front lines" and have several inner-developing technology bases closely with the Government Black.
They are responsible for a large proportion of missing women and children around the world.
There have been cases of abductions which tells you what is known physically outside the gray is a suit that protects the various atmospheres and provides strength and protects against impact and using what is known as "nanobiotechnology"
Are said to have bases on the Moon, Mars, Phobos and Elios where they work in conjunction with the Orion Group in the case of Mars and the NSA and the black government in the case of the Moon.
Anunnaki (Nebiros / Sirius B / Reptiles Orion). Known as "the Gods" by the Sumerians.
The Anunnaki are a hybrid race originated from the union of a princess with a prince Orion Sirius B, this stop because of the constant wars between the races.
So that after being a "tribe" became a race, developing genetic technology, military and aerospace as their predecessors.
The Anunnaki are awarded the human race as owned by them, because at the end of the experts to create a slave race is said that they put the final ingredient.
Gods are well known Sumerian / Babylonian and Egyptians for the most part because the Syrians also Sirius B system have to do with the deities of the Middle East.
Syrian-hybrid or Anunnaki Reptilians
In fact there are a number of stories from different sources where the main characters are the Anunnaki, Sirius B and the rebel Pleiadians top the list of deities of ancient cultures.
Skull and skeleton of a Syrian Hybrid Anunnaki Reptilian or present on earth (they have found more).
The Anunnaki gods are also players in the Mesoamerican cultures, there I worship the snake, the sun, the rituals of sacrifice, the knowledge of life after death, astrology, pyramids, etc.
The Anunnaki are currently the people who are trying to take over the Earth because its roots belong to the Orion.
However, they have their own interests and there is a faction that has a conflict of ideology with Draconian races of Orion and Alpha Draconis.
The position of the Anunnaki with respect to the human race is "property" and are certainly hostile, there is a faction that works directly with the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis, which have led to a huge machinery of control over the human race.
They are responsible for most wars in recorded history, are also responsible for the control system of belief systems, sects and secret societies.
The Anunnaki were the protagonists also known as "The Wars of the Negro League" where a group of Humans and Pleiadians Syrians assisted rebelled against the "gods", however, failed.
It is said that originally the Grays were a human-like species that was attacked and tithe by Reptilian Orion Group and Alpha Draconis, due to genetic manipulation of race 2000 and now comprises approximately royal beings, all others are clones.
The physical characteristics of the Greys vary almost without difenreciarse each other.
The general features among them are a grayish pigmentation, although in some cases have been reported beings with reddish or brown and in another a verdoza or yellowish hue.
Their heads are elongated in an "egg" with "eyes" big black, in many cases have reported the absence of nose and mouth, in others there is the presence of the nose and mouth too small.
The origin of these beings reside principalment in 3 systems:
Orion (Bellatrix and Rigel).
Grey and average height between 1.40mts 1.60mts, we also speak of Grays from the Orion Group to a height of around 2m, with arms and longer legs in proportion to your body.
The Greys of Bellatrix are stature lower, around the 1.15mts and always accompany high gray.
These Greys are of a hostile and belong to the Orion group, are major genetic engineers and the military.
It says there is a faction of Grey Mintaka that are somewhat "benevolent" and are seeking their release.
For the Orion Greys are attributed the "agreements" between the Black Government and in some cases of abduction and have a hierarchy over the Grays from Zeta Reticulli 2.
Zeta Reticulli 2 : This is the original star system of the Grey, a scouting party of gray in a raid was intercepted by the Orion group and thus began his manipulation and diesmamiento of their civilization.
They are considered as beings with highly developed psychic abilities, are responsible for most of the abductions and mutilations of animals on earth.
The Reticulans 2 are the "front lines" and have several inner-developing technology bases closely with the Government Black.
They are responsible for a large proportion of missing women and children around the world.
There have been cases of abductions which tells you what is known physically outside the gray is a suit that protects the various atmospheres and provides strength and protects against impact and using what is known as "nanobiotechnology"
Are said to have bases on the Moon, Mars, Phobos and Elios where they work in conjunction with the Orion Group in the case of Mars and the NSA and the black government in the case of the Moon.
Anunnaki (Nebiros / Sirius B / Reptiles Orion). Known as "the Gods" by the Sumerians.
The Anunnaki are a hybrid race originated from the union of a princess with a prince Orion Sirius B, this stop because of the constant wars between the races.
So that after being a "tribe" became a race, developing genetic technology, military and aerospace as their predecessors.
The Anunnaki are awarded the human race as owned by them, because at the end of the experts to create a slave race is said that they put the final ingredient.
Gods are well known Sumerian / Babylonian and Egyptians for the most part because the Syrians also Sirius B system have to do with the deities of the Middle East.
Syrian-hybrid or Anunnaki Reptilians
In fact there are a number of stories from different sources where the main characters are the Anunnaki, Sirius B and the rebel Pleiadians top the list of deities of ancient cultures.
Skull and skeleton of a Syrian Hybrid Anunnaki Reptilian or present on earth (they have found more).
The Anunnaki gods are also players in the Mesoamerican cultures, there I worship the snake, the sun, the rituals of sacrifice, the knowledge of life after death, astrology, pyramids, etc.
The Anunnaki are currently the people who are trying to take over the Earth because its roots belong to the Orion.
However, they have their own interests and there is a faction that has a conflict of ideology with Draconian races of Orion and Alpha Draconis.
The position of the Anunnaki with respect to the human race is "property" and are certainly hostile, there is a faction that works directly with the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis, which have led to a huge machinery of control over the human race.
They are responsible for most wars in recorded history, are also responsible for the control system of belief systems, sects and secret societies.
The Anunnaki were the protagonists also known as "The Wars of the Negro League" where a group of Humans and Pleiadians Syrians assisted rebelled against the "gods", however, failed.
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