This group is also known as "The Gizeh Intelligence Group."
The origin of these breeds can be traced back to the resilience of the human race after the wars of Lyra, there was a faction of humans that were evoked to develop military and aerospace technology to defend the human race from the continuous attacks of the dark forces Orion.
However, fell on the idea and believed themselves to keep the piladres of the human race, so his focus was technological development and not spiritual.
In the case of the Pleiades rebel group was formed because of a war with Aldebaran place against the forces of Orion, they nonetheless recognized that because of his effort saved much of the civilization of the Pleiades and therefore wanted to impose a form of governance and control other systems, which was rejected by his counsel and therefore somehow exiled.
In the case of Sirius B, there was a kind of Civil War between the settlers originally came from Sirius B to Sirius A.
This gave rise to the Orion group exploited the time to infiltrate and make a "treaty or agreement" and thus beings from Sirius B are constantly in conflict with each other and with Sirius A.
In the case of Nebiros Lizard, is a colony of Orion which coordinates and monitors the activities of the Anunnaki, they likewise agreed Reptilian Anunnaki assistance to carry out the plans and also have personal agendas that have entered some conflict with the Orion Group and Alpha Draconis.
In this group total being awarded the titles of "Ascended Masters", "Galactic Federation", "Ashtar Command", "Interstellar Confereración" and other unreasonable terms.
They also are attributed to the teachings of metaphysics, to be precise, Metaphysics was founded by Helena P. Blavatsky, continued by Alice Ann Bailey and spread throughout America by Conny Mendez and Ruben Cedeño.

Ashtar Sheran. Force Commander Ashtar Command to carry out the evacuation plan worldwide.
The Ascended Masters and the White Brotherhood. Group beings evolved to help human beings to rise and protectors of the land.
Insectoids :
They are beings with obvious features of insects.
There are a variety of them.
Some have big ears, big eyes, no eyelids, and small antennas.
His body resembles that of locusts.
Renowned Scientists say mosquitoes, flies and fly all cojonera are direct descendants of the early settlers of the planet Earth, coming from some remote planetary system remains unknown.
The blond, can also be classified into several subgroups.
Aliens human type A, these beings have a genetic base similar to humans on Earth.
They also have a very similar stature to that of humans, fair skin and blond hair.
It appears that these beings have been abducted by the Greys, or are the offspring of abductees who have been trained by the Grays as servants.
So they are completely subordinate the Grays, for they serve as slaves.
Most of the sightings of these creatures have taken place in Palma de Mallorca.
Aliens human type C : Very little is known about them. They are supposed to race other highly developed spiritual and great kindness to humans from Earth.
Its appearance is similar to other humanoid type aliens.
Insectoids :
They are beings with obvious features of insects.
There are a variety of them.
Some have big ears, big eyes, no eyelids, and small antennas.
His body resembles that of locusts.
Renowned Scientists say mosquitoes, flies and fly all cojonera are direct descendants of the early settlers of the planet Earth, coming from some remote planetary system remains unknown.
The blond, can also be classified into several subgroups.
Aliens human type A, these beings have a genetic base similar to humans on Earth.
They also have a very similar stature to that of humans, fair skin and blond hair.
It appears that these beings have been abducted by the Greys, or are the offspring of abductees who have been trained by the Grays as servants.
So they are completely subordinate the Grays, for they serve as slaves.
Most of the sightings of these creatures have taken place in Palma de Mallorca.
Aliens human type C : Very little is known about them. They are supposed to race other highly developed spiritual and great kindness to humans from Earth.
Its appearance is similar to other humanoid type aliens.
From Sirius and do not appear to be involved much in the events of the Earth right now, except the problem with the Greys.
There are other human-like aliens, highly developed spiritually.
This is the case of the Nordic Arcturus and Vega.
There are other human-like aliens, highly developed spiritually.
This is the case of the Nordic Arcturus and Vega.
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